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Starting A Prep Sport Fantasy League

Submitted by: Dennis Jarvis

So you checked out the site and you re jonesing for some serious Prep Sport Fantasy League action. Now What? We ve made it real easy to get started and it s completely free because charging for fun stuff is un-American (at least since Napster). Let us walk you through the process of setting up your very own high school sport fantasy league.

First things first. You need to set up either a high school sport player account or fan account. It takes about 60 seconds away from your Witches of Waiverly viewing so don t worry. It s fast. It s also very very cheap. Actually, it s free. You can start the process from any page on the site at the top right hand corner. Once you re in deep, you can now set up the fantasy league. The same Get Started page that allowed you to set up the account to begin with will also let you set up the fantasy league. That s also free. We re really into going broke over here. Let s take a look at the fantasy league setup page.


There s some basic information you need to enter to get the league going. First you need a League name. This is the name that will be unique to only you and your (up to) seven other league owners. Have fun with the name but keep it relatively clean and that s not Lady Gaga clean. Cleaner. You ll put in your info if the system doesn t automatically load it. Of course you ll need a password and a screen name but you probably already have these from account creation process. You can use those for the fantasy league since it will be tied to you.

Next, there are some general choices needed in terms of the type of prep sport fantasy league you want to run. You have up to 3 different modes you can choose from. The first is Straight Mode and it s just old school Fantasy League. Bling Mode is anything but. Now you can screw with your fellow league owners or kick your stats up. Vegas Mode does the same thing but now everything is left to chance. You list your draft choice although this is pretty much up to you and hopefully, agreed upon by your fellow high school sport fantasy league owners. Finally, you will list the number of players to include in your fantasy league. You can have up to 8 members in a league (including yourself). There s a spot to list their names and emails so the system can generate an invite to them. The invite they will receive is very straight forward and their email will only be used to sent this invite to them. We re not looking to sell them toasters or balls of sting. It s just an invite to join your fantasy league and it will reference that it comes from you so they know it s the usual Nigerian boogeyman trying to make a deposit of $10M in their accounts.

That s basically it. You will now have access to your Fantasy League page and you re fellow buddies will probably soon start to populate the other rows. You re real close to the kind of prep sport fantasy league action we ve all been waiting for. Now go do some push-ups to get ready.

About the Author: Dennis Jarvis writes about the world of

Prep Sports


high school sports

such as high school football, basketball, and baseball.


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