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Restorative Procedures With Cosmetic Dentistry

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Restorative Procedures With Cosmetic Dentistry


Katia Craig

When we say beautifying the teeth, the first thing that most people think of is the cosmetic dentistry. This specific kind of dentistry is use to improve the appearance of the teeth using treatments and restorative procedures. There are a numerous lines and array of procedures that a cosmetic dentist may offer, all you need to do is to be familiarizing with them.

The first thing is the veneers that are usually used to provide a tooth filling and repair structural damage on the tooth. They are typically processed in the dental laboratories and made up of either porcelain or composite materials that are fit and bond to your teeth to cover the gaps or discolorations. Inlay and on lay veneers are also ideal in beautifying the appearance of the teeth.


Aside from veneers, dental cosmetology also offers procedure such as bleaching or whitening. It is ideally use to remove stains in the teeth due to excessive drinking of colored juices and coffees as well as smoking. A cosmetology dentist may actually bleach your teeth or even prescribe some bleaching and whitening system that can be used at home. Additionally, this procedure also removes stain in the teeth and restores natural color of it.

Cosmetic dentist Sarasota

also offers services on making bridge to fill up a space by the missing tooth. This dental procedure usually has a unit that attaches crowns of two teeth that are adjacent to the space. While the braces can be recommended by the dentist if he determines that the patient needs to go to the orthodontist. Braces are gradually placed on the teeth to reposition it from its poor alignment. Somehow, it may feel snugly over the teeth.

Another thing that

cosmetic dentist Sarasota FL

has provide are the dental implants that are used to fill the gaps created by lost teeth or support a bridge. In dental implants, artificial roots of the tooth are implanted in to the jaw bone and give aligned structure of the face. It allows healing up to months and anchors the bone before placing a temporary crown on the implant.

Cosmetic dentistry Sarasota

also provides procedure called composite bonding where the composite materials similar to the tooth enamel is used to fill surface to the tooth. When the dentist shapes the material using a high-intensity light, the material on the tooth lighten up and lessen the stain, chipped, or cracked teeth.

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